colourtype - Autumn features • skin: warm goldyellow to goldbrown • hair: chestnutbrown, red, honeycolour • eyes: brown, green, sometimes light blue Colours For accessories you take gold.
The following stones/colours suit you the best: Amber, Jasper, Sodalite, Peridot, Mossagate, Coral, Garnet, Citrine and Goldtopaz.
General tips Orange and darkbrown shades are always OK. Don't choose plain white, beige is fine, mother of pearl or eggshell. Your colourpalet should always be warm and soft. With warm earthtones, an 'autumn' type looks great. Always think about a golden undertone, also for your make-up. Brown mascara and warmred or brownred lipstick make it complete. Famous 'autumn'-types Whitney Houston, Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts, Cindy Crawford, Sophia Loren | colourtype - Winter features • skin: pink, porselaine, olivebrown • hair: darkbrown to black, silvergray • eyes: steelblue, green, gray, darkbrown, blackbrown Colours For accessories you take silver. The following stones/colours suit you the best: white Agate, Turquoise, Emerald, Calcedony, Amethyst, Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Onyx, Sugulite, Iolite, Saphire and Lapis Lazuli.  General tips A 'winter' type lights up in clear colours, primary en icy colours from winter. Sharp contrasts look great on you. A 'winter' type doesn't need a very bright make-up to look good. Choose a pinkish undertone combined with clear colours. Black mascara looks great. Blue colours with black and brightwhite make a wintertype shine. Avoid orange, golden colours and pastelcolours. Famous 'winter'-types Cher, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Demi Moore, Elizabeth Tailor, Joan Collins |
colourtype - Spring features • skin: light ivory to brown, always with golden undertone • hair: blond with golden shine or light copper • eyes: blue, softgreen or brown, graygreen Colours For accessories you take gold. The following stones/colours suit you the best: Malachite, Amber, Rhodochrosite, Peridot, Turquoise, Phrenite, Garnet, Sugulite, Kyanite, Rutilated quartz, salmoncoral and Citrine.  General tips Choose pastelcolours that crossover softly. They look great on you. For your make-up you can best use a golden undertone. Use soft colours for your eyeshadow: better not use any to extravagant effects. Peachcolours suit you very well as being a 'spring' colourtype. Pure white doesn't look good on you. Pure black is ok, but in combination with pastelcolours. Famous 'spring'-types Kate Moss, Michelle Pfeifer, Nicole Kidman, Linda Evans, Gwyneth Paltrow | colourtype - Summer features • skin: cool, pinkish skincolour • hair: ashblond to ashbrown, midbrown • eyes: gray to blue, petrol, chestnut Colours For accessories you take silver. The following stones/colours suit you the best: Charoite, Lavender Amethyst, Amazonite, Apatite, Dumortirite, Turquoise, Aquamarine, Bl.Topaz, Sunstone, Moonstone and Botswana Agate.  General tips Avoid golden colours and orange colours and shades with a yellow undertone. Blue in all it's variaties look great on you. A 'summer' type looks best with soft colours. Cool pastelcolours are a good match, avoid sharp contrasts. For your make-up you better use a pinkish undertone. Lot's of summertypes choose for a colouraccent in the hair. Famous 'summer'-types Sharon Stone, Cameron Diaz, Melanie Griffith, Claudia Schiffer, Hillary Clinton, … |